Cleaning Nd:YAG Laser LT-300

  • Cleaning of moldsPrinting rollersAdhesive surfaces
  • restoration

Contact person: Wolf Wagner (Ph.D.)

Pulsed laser beams are used successfully to remove loosely bonded top layers with extreme protection of the material (e.g. sandstone).

The cleaning effect is based on micro shock waves that are triggered by the absorption of the laser pulses.

Applications of this technique can be found in various areas of industry and in restoration. The cleaning of valuable monuments and art objects in particular requires a process that is as gentle as possible, and this is where our Nd:YAG laser LT-300 shows its full strength.

The beam of the inexpensive cleaning laser model LT-300 is guided by a flexible mirror arm. Depending on the application and access options to the object, the laser unit can be operated on the power pack or set up separately.

Successful projects speak for themselves:

  • Marble figures from the Great Garden, Dresden
  • Marble figures from the palace gardens, Sanssouci
  • Figure from the Jewish Cemetery, Berlin
  • 600 year old plank room, Pirna
  • Chain mail 570 AD, Landesmuseum Stuttgart
  • Façade of the Jülich Palace Chapel
  • Bronze bust, Lutherstadt Wittenberg
  • Charles Bridge, Prague
  • Angel figures, Cologne Cathedral


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