NIR spectrometer for process optimization

Das Bild zeigt das Logo der Firma IRIS technology solutions. Es hat einen blauen Hintergrund, der Schriftzug ist in weiß ohne Serifen und es gibt eine Art Fächer mit einem Verlauf von Grün zu blau.

  • Real-time NIR analyzer for continuous process control (900 – 1700 nm)
  • Versatile use in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other industries
  • Can be integrated into conveyor systems, pipelines, mixers and process machines
  • User-friendly software for easy data analysis and interpretation
  • Robust construction for use in demanding production environments
  • Spectral resolution of 3 nm (256 px) for precise measurements

Contact: Mr. Ralf Kott

The Visa NIR In-Line from IRIS is a versatile online NIR analyzer that provides precise and continuous measurements in real time for process optimization and quality control in various industries. It can be integrated into conveyors, pipelines, mixers and process machinery to monitor product flow and provide real-time measurements for plant information systems.

The Visum NIR In-Line is a standalone, multi-parametric sensor that requires no calibration and is suitable for the analysis of solids, semi-solids and liquids. It finds application in the food industry (e.g. juices, dairy products, bakery products), the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry (e.g. uniformity analysis of ingredients) as well as in other industries (e.g. identification of polymers, determination of moisture content).

The main features of the Visum NIR In-Line include continuous monitoring of critical quality characteristics, integration into process plants, development of automated calibrations with the Visum Master software and communication with information systems.


  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • food industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Plastics industry

data sheet

VisaBrochure NIR Inline

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