Measuring device for determining contours

  • Contour measuring device for profiles and shapes
  • Resolution 0.2µm
  • Measuring range:
    • 130mm horizontal (distance in X direction)
    • 50mm vertical (distance in Y direction)
    • 320mm travel (in Y direction)
  • Meets all common standards (ISO, DIN)
  • Measuring speed 0.2mm/s – 2mm/s
  • Reports ready-made or freely designed
  • Semi-automatic measurements possible

Contact person: Mr. Michael Zerbin

The PGS100 contour measuring device from SM Instruments captures 2D profiles and contours in an extremely simple and intuitive way.

It enables measurements with a usable measuring range of 130 mm in length and 50 mm in height. The software is not only very easy to use, but also intuitive. In addition, the Profile Studio software program is equipped with all the necessary CAD functions. These are required for dimensioning in the measurement report and for reliable control of your parts. In addition, programs for automation, which are used for series measurements, for example, can be created quickly and easily.

The PGS100 comes standard with a work table with a "T" slot and a 32 mm measuring probe. These components can be supplemented with suitable accessories, such as the "positioner" with 3 or 4 degrees of freedom and the precision vice for fixing parts. The profilometer is calibrated using software and a special calibration probe.

The measuring device for determining contours combines a very simple, cost-effective approach with the hand-crank adjustable column, the wide range of software functions and the accuracy of a complete profilometer. All contours can be recorded and evaluated using various probes.


  • Quality control mechanical engineering and metal processing
  • Can be used for almost all solid materials where contours and profiles need to be measured


  • Defects on surfaces
  • Angles and curves of surfaces
  • Profiles of threads
  • Edge gradients with associated angles
  • Length of grooves or threads


  • Positioners with different degrees of freedom
  • Positioning systems
  • different stylus
  • different measuring arms
  • Precision vice

data sheet

PGS100 data sheet


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